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April 28, 2021


After nine months of intense development, Galen Danzinger’s team of engineers at NoRestLabs, Silicone Valley, finished TheXchange platform and the SportXchange App in January 2020. Preparation for a great year of sport began, with soft-launch in Beach Volleyball lead by Sports Ambassador Sinjin Smith!


Needless to say, 2020 didn’t exactly turn out as we had planned, especially for launching a global Sport App…. But the global pandemic forced us to adapt different digital verticals (Esports, Art & Music) and 2020 turned out to be the strongest year for TheXchange since its inception.


On 4 April 2020, Galen and his team, in conjunction with our newly founded South African Tech Team, started customizing TheXchange Platform and the StaX App to support StaX categories, including Esports. After a massive year-end push, the beta version of the StaX App was completed on 23 December 2020.


Esport StaX Launch

With the StaX App currently in testing internally we are preparing for our Beta Test Launch in the EU in July 2021.

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